Republic Group Appoints New Chief Risk Officer
- Posted by RFHL
- On August 14, 2017
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, August 14, 2017 – Republic Financial Holdings Limited has announced the appointment of Farid Antar to the position of Chief Risk Officer, with effect from October 1, 2017.
Mr. Antar, the current General Manager for Corporate Operations and Process Improvement at Republic Bank Limited, will assume the role from Mr. Anthony Subero, who will retire from the Bank after more than 35 years of sterling service.
Mr. Antar who contributed immensely to myriad functions at the Bank, including Marketing, Branch Operations, Information Technology, Operational Risk and Corporate Security, Administration, Premises, Business Continuity Planning, Business Systems and Process Improvement, and Portfolio Management, is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ACIS). He also holds a Chartered Institute of Bankers UK (ACIB) certification.
The Group congratulates Mr. Antar on his new appointment and wishes him success in his career.